Why did I start this blog? and what kind of blog is it going to be?(なんではじめたのか?とどういうブログになりそうか?の話)

Hi, I'm Guchyos. I am a PhD student in the field of agriculture. I am usually working on estimating the growth of rice plants from images taken by a drone.
どうも,Guchyosです. 農学系の博士課程に在籍中です. 普段はドローンで撮影した画像からイネの生育を推定する研究をしています.

The content of this article is as the title says.

Recently, the development of AI technology has been remarkable, and many applications and extensions that make use of such technology have been created. In this context, recently, I have been personally trying out various useful tools in the world. In the process, I found Logseq, a task management and memo application. I had been managing my daily work diary in onenote, but I had to move tabs every time I wanted to look back on it, and I felt it was a little inconvenient to use because it was not easy to link information together. In Logseq, a page for daily work diary is automatically generated, and if you put a tag on it and write down what you did, you can just go to the page of the tag and see what you have done each day in order. I personally found this to be a very useful feature. There are many other interesting extensions, so if you are interested, please try it.

That's why I started using Logseq, which is basically written in Markdown format. It is convenient because it can be used in conjunction with Zotero, a free bibliography management software, to keep a record of the papers I have read. I remembered that Markdown is used to describe web pages in a neat and concise manner, and I thought it would be a good idea to upload my notes made with Logseq as a Blog, as I often need to share knowledge in the lab. I thought that if I uploaded my notes as a Blog, anyone could access it easily, it would be easier to read, and I would be able to read and write in a way that would deepen my own understanding. I remembered that Markdown is used to describe web pages in a neat and concise manner, and I found it useful to upload my notes made with Logseq as a Blog, as I often need to share my knowledge in the lab. I thought that if I uploaded my notes as a Blog, anyone could access it easily, it would be easier to read, and I would be able to read and write in a way that would deepen my own understanding.

Accordingly, this blog will mostly be a place to write about what I have learned from reading papers, to explain various methods of analysis, and to share other thoughts and things I have learned that are worth sharing.

I hope this blog will be of some help.